Grandpa Bayonetta Erotic Pictures Part 1 [BAYONETTA] Perfect Girl Porn

Grandpa Bayonetta Erotic Pictures Part 1 [BAYONETTA] Perfect Girl Porn

mom and dad walk into the dining room ready for work
“mom dad” 
“julies over she's in my room her dad hit her and I went and got her early this morning ”

“WHAT is she ok ”

“yea a bit shaken up but I got her to calm down she's sleeping I got a real serious question I have to ask both of you” 

“what is it Jim””go ahead son”

“can she live here with me I mean us”(a second long pause)

“it's ok with me “” of course she can I want her living here then with an abusive father”
“thanks mom dad I love you guys so much this means so much to me and her ” 
“love you to Jim” “love ya son can you cut the grass today” 
“sure dad mom I'm letting you know were not going to school for a couple of days ok”

Right then my brother kc and sister zoey walk into the room he's 10 she's 7 

“hey guys I wanna let you know Julie will be living with us from now on ok” 
“it's a long story I might be able tell it to you if it's ok with her but not right now get to school (wispering into their ears that I'll pick them up early to get burgers an ice cream”) 

I'm not an average teen I love my brother and sister alot they don't annoy me and I like treating them to nice things when I can I keep my room for the most part clean and wash my dog porkchop everyday and keep myself trimmed up and sharp looking. Go back 0 fox body ford mustang that my parents bought for me for a birthday present I start it and tear out of my drive way she lives a mile and a half away I sped all the way there I turn right onto her street almost hitting a light post I screech to a halt in front of her house she's sitting in her drive way her head between her knees crying against the garage door i jump out of my car and run to her I pick up from there

“Julie baby I'm here” 
“Jim”(in-between sobs)

without hesitation I pick her up and place her in my passenger seat and roar into the night and take her into my house I carried her down the hall while she's sobbing into my shoulder and her arms are around my neck I get into my room and place her on the bed gently I let her lay there for about an hour all the lights off and me sitting in my computer chair tears rolling down my face cause of how sad she is and how bad I feel because she's crying I feel helpless I don't know what's wrong finally she calls my name 

“yeah Julie” 
“can you turn the light on”
“yes baby”(I turn the light on)

What I see next enrages me her right cheek bone area is red swollen and brused I walk up to her

“what the hell happened Julie”
“please don't be mad”
“my dad hit me”
“I'll kill that basterd”(grabbing my keys)
“no baby no I told him I'm not ever going back to that house again I wanna live with you and your family can I”

“I don't know but I'm not loseing you if they say no we will get our own place but my parents and siblings love you so I don't think they'll say no” 

“Jim I love you not just love but am in love with you it's a feeling deep within me it makes me feel complete noone has ever made or will make me feel like this except for you”(tears rolling down her face in pain but also in pure love)

“Julie iv seen you since 6th grade and have been going out with you for 6 months my 8th and 9th grade years you've brought me more happyness these months then in my whole life your what I live for who I live for the essence of my life in one word is you you helped me when I had a broken ankle through my physical therapy my ankle is stronger I enjoyed the whole summer not bits and pieces your the most beautiful girl in the world and i love you as much as the earth loves the sun ”

We lay there quietly until she falls asleep looking into my eyes I soon get up cover her up and walk into the bathroom and take a nice hot shower then head into the kitchen.

Hentai: Bayonetta erotic pictures part 1 [BAYONETTA]

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