Pinoy Onee-chan Connect – Princess Connect

Pinoy Onee-chan Connect - Princess Connect

But damn my mind craved that damn voice of hers!!

I looked down at my little wife sitting there her arms by her side clasping on the edge of the bed with her hands, her eyes oh my her eyes!!

They were wide open just as if she were scared to death again but it wasn't that she absolutely had that gleaming

eyed look of Lust her dark pupils dilated as if she was some crack or meth head only hell it wasn't that at all she just had that lusty eyed look I've seen so many times!!

All that fight was gone!! It had got up and left!! She just sat there like that as her body shivered a bit her looking at both I and

Snake Lady standing right there with me and Snake Lady nudged me and then said; “So my little woman have you calmed down a bit now?”

“I see your eyes looking up at me and I see that tiny little body squirming, and your mind now filled with my voice, and I want you to stand up; And go before your husband my little slave; And show him U want obedience to only me and my wants for you!”

As up my wife sprang all her full senses and movements restored and she walked before me standing there her arms draped at her sides looking directly up into my eyes and mine hers seeing the depth of the passion in them and desires I have never seen her eyes posses maybe it was what I had drank I didn't know?

But there she stood calmly and peacefully fully naked before me her breathing heavy and eratic as little twinges ofwhat had to be pleasure to be right here:: Right like this::

As our Mistress Snake Lady walked right behind my standing wife and reached and grabbed her long flowing black length of hair and looked at me and said;

“Servant go and get your little wife some hair braids on the cart I have plenty of them laid out!”

I did this absolutely obediently in full and complete wanting to satisfy our Mistresses every request getting them and returning to see Snake Lady stroking her hands through my wife's full length of hair pulling it all together right up to the very spot of head to neck joinure holding thickness in one hand grabbing each of runaway ones with the other putting them all in with that all the while now telling my beautiful little wife and I how she must get all of around her neck up into the rest so my wife's neck was totally free of everything because that area was going to be a part of her pleasure!!

Snake Lady taking one braid and pushed it way up into the very spot she wanted and tied it there moving down now pulling more length up into where that one was and pushing it higher and tied it off and wrapped the rest of her hair into a circle of all that using bobbi pins to pin it up that I also had gotten seeing them with it all and got every bit of it I knew she'd need it!!

My wife just standing there hands still by her side standing in complete obedience as a perfect princess ball was formed on the back of my wife's head now that chore done. Big Butt I Want To Make A Shot With A Masturbate As my wife was still thrashing her head wildly about up as high as she could get it but her once screams of it's heat were now turning into wild gasping sounds like it was taking her breath away as her entire body now really rocked about telling whatever it was and where ever it's heat was

going was driving my little wife into oblivion and beyond her legs suddenly shot widely open shaking like she was about to loose all her strength to try and hold herself up wild grunting was coming from her now sounding like a hog grunting like hell in their pen!

But this was my little wife doing this not some animal!!

Snake Lady had stepped back admiring and watching it all happen as it happened and was saying

“I know my little now red hot slave it's getting You really worked up!”

” I hear those pig grunts your blurting out yes U feel it all don't You?”

My wife settling a bit down was answering with a yes shake of her but her loud grunting continued as Snake Lady said; “Yes it's so good isn't it?”

Only making my wife grunt even louder as her head nodded yes and her ass was now starting to churn about raising up higher then come crashing back down her legs opening way wider as if that relieved some of whatever it was she was feeling!

Minutes passed by of this all happening the loud grunting now turned into ever increasing deep breaths of air nnnnmmmph sounds emanating from her mouth now as Snake Lady just stood there watching and telling my wife: “It's getting better isn't it my little luv?”

My wife ever increasingly settling down but her ass continued to jerk about even shoving it backwards and into the air as Snake Lady said;

“Oh yeah it's about there that is really working it over inside her!”

Servant you can release her hips now she's all fired up and it's fine if her little belly lays down now she's ready for it!!

I released my wife's hips and sides as she just fell flat onto the the mattress now still breathing heavily laden breaths of air her body only shuddering and shaking now and then.

Hentai: (C96) [Hiyashi Yaki Teishoku (Hiyashi Mirano, Mother Kiisuke)] Onee-chan Connect (Princess Connect! Re:Dive)

Onee-chan Connect 1Onee-chan Connect 2Onee-chan Connect 3Onee-chan Connect 4Onee-chan Connect 5Onee-chan Connect 6Onee-chan Connect 7Onee-chan Connect 8Onee-chan Connect 9Onee-chan Connect 10Onee-chan Connect 11Onee-chan Connect 12Onee-chan Connect 13Onee-chan Connect 14Onee-chan Connect 15Onee-chan Connect 16Onee-chan Connect 17Onee-chan Connect 18Onee-chan Connect 19Onee-chan Connect 20Onee-chan Connect 21Onee-chan Connect 22Onee-chan Connect 23Onee-chan Connect 24Onee-chan Connect 25Onee-chan Connect 26Onee-chan Connect 27Onee-chan Connect 28Onee-chan Connect 29Onee-chan Connect 30Onee-chan Connect 31Onee-chan Connect 32Onee-chan Connect 33Onee-chan Connect 34Onee-chan Connect 35Onee-chan Connect 36Onee-chan Connect 37Onee-chan Connect 38Onee-chan Connect 39Onee-chan Connect 40Onee-chan Connect 41Onee-chan Connect 42Onee-chan Connect 43

(C96) [冷やし焼き定食 (ひやしみらの、マザーきーすけ)]お姉ちゃんコネクト(プリンセスコネクト!Re:Dive)

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